Sunday Service:  10 AM

Sunday School:  11:15 AM


Calvary Baptist Church

13th Ave. & E Street

Belmar, NJ 07719



Church Calendar

PGs Weekly Message

Sermon Summaries


CBC Pictures

Calvarywood Productions

Calvary Baptist Church - Belmar

To prepare believers in Jesus Christ for works of service in his name.  Eph. 4:11-16

Food Panty - Serving the Hungery in the community who cannot afford food.

Open Tuesdays from 10 AM to 12 PM

Donations of non-persishable food and money gladly received.

Tell the Pastor what you think about the sermon.

Sermon Feedback Class:  11:15 AM

Ask questions of the pastor and get more information about the sermon topic.  Let the pastor know what you think.

Grief and Loss Counseling

Have you recently lost a loved one?

Pastor Nancy Goss provides counselling and conducts study sessions to help you deal with Grief and Loss. Contact Pastor Nancy at 732-681-0940.